רוצים להישאר מעודכנים?
קהל יעד רלוונטי:
We are looking for students in communications and related majors interested in getting a start in the world of journalism. We are also looking for Computer Science students interested in helping bring journalism to the masses through new and exciting technology.
אודות החברה:
Bernie News Network (BNN) is a 21st-century news organization dedicated to delivering unbiased, real-time information about Israel and the Middle East. Committed to clarity and factual reporting, BNN provides minute-by-minute updates via WhatsApp and Telegram, ensuring subscribers stay informed of the latest developments. The network offers free and premium subscriptions, granting access to ad-free content and exclusive events. Led by Bernard Moerdler, BNN emphasizes comprehensive coverage, community engagement, and interactive platforms, making it a trusted source for regional news.